What is Imposter Syndrome?
Imposter Syndrome is a personality disorder where a person feels like they’re not as competent or intelligent as others believe them to be. It’s characterized by feelings of inadequacy, uncertainty, and fear of being exposed as an impostor. It often leads to anxiety and depression. Imposter syndrome disproportionately affects high-achieving women, minorities, and anyone with minority status. It’s also common in people new to their field of work or studying their particular subject or field.

4 Ways To Fight Back Against Syndrome

1. Realize you’re not alone.
Imposter Syndrome is a fairly common feeling among highly intelligent or skilled people. It’s the idea that the facade you’ve created to mask your lack of confidence will one day be taken from you, and everyone will know that you’re a fraud. But odds are, there are plenty of other people in your same situation struggling with similar feelings.

2. Keep a journal of positive experiences.
Imagining all the things you’ve done in your life that surprised, impressed, or even impressed others can help put things into perspective. When you’re feeling down, looking back at what you’ve been able to accomplish can be a great way to feel less anxious about future outcomes.

3. Talk to people who have fought this same battle.
Imposter Syndrome is a very common and understood condition. People who have experienced this feeling are most likely happy to talk about their own experiences and how they were able to manage them. Sharing their experiences, even if it’s just a one-sided conversation, can be cathartic, help others sympathize with the feeling, and may even provide some coping techniques for dealing with the condition.

4. Take some time to focus on your strengths.
It’s easy to focus on what you’re bad at when feeling overwhelmed by your insecurities. But even if you like to improve your weaknesses, taking some time to recognize your strengths can be a wonderful feeling. People tend to feel less self-conscious when they’re aware of their strengths. Be it the ability to do new things, perform well in a situation, or any other talent or skill you know you possess.

Imposter Syndrome can be one of the most frustrating, anxiety-provoking feelings a person can have. But it’s also something you can easily combat with a few simple strategies. Keeping a journal, talking to other people with the condition, exercising, and setting goals are all surefire ways to help deal with Imposter Syndrome and ensure it doesn’t keep you from reaching your full potential.