Online Therapy for Children

The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on the lives of children. For instance, it has severely affected the physical health of many children. One impact that many parents tend to assume is mental health. Today, mental health needs among children are on the...

How to Cope Without Your Therapist During Lockdown

There could be several reasons why people haven’t been able to see their therapist during a global pandemic. They could have lost healthcare because they lost their job. They could no longer afford their therapist because their work was decreased. They could...
Dealing with Work Week Anxiety

Dealing with Work Week Anxiety

Don’t worry. If it’s getting dark on Sunday and you’re dreading 9 AM tomorrow, you’re not alone. It’s called the “Sunday Scaries,” and it’s not uncommon in our workaholic world. For those afflicted with this condition, the sharp move from weekend to work week brings...
Creating a Routine and Sticking to It

Creating a Routine and Sticking to It

Routines are great. They help keep your life on track and are good for your health. While they may not work for everyone and some may even think having a routine is boring, a lot of people find comfort in having one. The problem is that creating a sticking to a...
Reducing Stress in Lockdown: A How-To for Teens

Reducing Stress in Lockdown: A How-To for Teens

Back in March the United States got hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many places all over the country began what they hoped would be a short lockdown period but quickly became much longer. Many people had to stop working, and kids all around the country began to do...